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Systematic Kinesiology

Learn more about our Systematic Kinesiology services

Systematic Kinesiology…

“Systematic Kinesiology is a drug-free complementary health treatment that taps into your biochemistry… read more

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Systematic Kinesiology is a drug-free complementary health treatment that taps into your biochemistry to identify health issues and areas of imbalance in the emotional, structural, chemical and energetical realm. Techniques are used to improve your health regime and seek an alternative way to boost your energy levels, release stress and strengthen your:

  • Immune system
  • Digestive system
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Aches & Pains
  • Dietary needs

Systematic Kinesiology uses safe and precise muscle testing to identify health insufficiencies and restore areas of imbalance.  These imbalances are corrected by using specific techniques to release lymphatic congestion within the body, allowing both energy and lymph to flow more efficiently to the related organs and eliminating toxins, stress, structural pain and any emotional blockages.

Often, the root cause is not where the pain or discomfort currently lie, therefore by looking at the whole person rather than just the symptoms, a personalised treatment is supported by supplements for nutritional deficiencies, tested specifically for what your body needs in order to heal faster.

Kinesiologists at Wilbraham Place Practice..

Amber Gage