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Wilbraham Place Practice Practitioners: Action on Addiction

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Action on Addiction (AOA) brings help, hope and freedom to those who suffer problems of addiction. Our annual reviews provide insight into our life-changing work as well our remarkable achievements year on year. Since opening in 1983 it has been the beating heart of a growing network of successful partnerships which works to help sufferers of addiction from all walks of life. The strong relationships we have fostered with individual doctors, therapists and other referrers have helped thousands of people find the chance of recovery from addiction.

Action on Addiction we do all we can to keep our clients connected to their treatment experience. We actively promote the development of a support network for people in treatment, and encourage the people we work with to support one another. The work of Action on Addiction is wide-ranging and far-reaching. For every person the charity helps to move their lives on in recovery another five people benefit indirectly. This includes children growing up with an addicted parent, loved ones whose relationships are marred by the effects of addiction, as well as friends and colleagues.

on Addiction have various locations with Clouds House, in Salisbury, being the main treatment centre. At Wilbraham Place Practice Action on Addiction provides aftercare in groups or on an individual basis.


Tuesday mornings.

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