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Wilbraham Place Practice Practitioners: Dr. Adrienne Key

Practitioner at Wilbraham Place Practice.  View all

About Dr Adrienne Key…

Dr. Key completed her higher training in psychiatry at St George’s Hospital medical school in London before developing an interest in eating disorders. The internationally renowned St Georges Eating Disorder Service, originally set up by Professor Arthur Crisp, provided a rich academic and clinical environment for her to train in both adult and child & adolescent eating disorders under Professor Hubert Lacey and Professor Bryan Lask. She became Senior Lecturer at the medical school and Consultant Psychiatrist within the service for several years publishing widely on a number of subjects including body image treatment and the impact of anorexia nervosa on fertility and brain function.

In 2005 she left the NHS to transition into private practice and become the lead consultant at the Priory Roehampton eating disorder service and then Medical Director for Eating Disorders to the Priory Group. Over the last 10 years she has been a very active member of the Royal college of Psychiatrists eating disorder group, helping establish the speciality in terms of training standards, resources and treatment guidelines, firstly as secretary to the Special Interest Group and then as a member of the executive committee to the Eating Disorder Section. She has continued to act as medical advisor to a number of organisations including giving evidence to the All Party Parliamentary group on Body Image, as a panel member to the Model Health Inquiry (MHI) and as an expert opinion within the media.

Her passion has always been working as a clinician and since 2013 Dr Key has focused on developing an independent highly specialist outpatient service with a small group of experienced expert clinicians in London. She has formed the Chelsea and Harley Street Eating Disorder Service, a partnership designed to deliver integrated treatments from a multidisciplinary team covering emotional, physical and nutritional needs of people with eating and body image difficulties. They offer a comprehensive service working with individuals and families to facilitate change, development and recovery.


Tel: 074 9452 7368 (PA)
[email protected]


£350 (Assessment)
£200 (30 min follow up)

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