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Wilbraham Place Practice Practitioners:

Alexia Lescure

Practitioner at Wilbraham Place Practice.  View all

About Alexia Lescure…

Alexia graduated in 2007 from the European School of Osteopathy, Kent, UK.

In 2010 she became the Lead Osteopath for Great Britain Handball Men’s squad, following them to European and World championship. She worked with both GB Men’s and Women’s squad in preparation to the London 2012 Olympic Games and had the honor to be the accredited Lead Osteopath for GB Handball Men’s Squad during the London 2012 Olympic Games.

She graduated with a MSc in Strength and Conditioning 2011 from the University of East London. She was particularly interested in the monitoring of overtraining and did a research project showing that we can use simple reliable makers such as your heart rate to monitor training and fatigue and therefore it can apply to the general public to help manage their training and recovery.

Alexia has also a very strong interest in Women’s health and in particular the effect of hormonal changes between the gynecological and digestive systems. She is in the process of completing a specialization degree in Women’s Health (2019-2021), with the Molinary Institute of Health, London. Alexia has a great experience in seeing women in their journey towards pregnancy, during pregnancy but also in their recovery post pregnancy as well as pediatric osteopathy or also called Cranial Osteopathy for children from babies to toddlers and teenagers everyday in her practice.


Tuesdays and Thursdays
T. 07590195423
E. [email protected]


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