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Wilbraham Place Practice Practitioners: Vicky Roberts

Practitioner at Wilbraham Place Practice.  View all

About Vicky Roberts…

Chartered Physiotherapist experienced in all areas of musculoskeletal injury and dysfunction. Special interests include ergonomics and sports injuries. Qualified acupuncturist and Bowen technique therapist. One of the UK’s leading exponents of The Sarah Key Method used in the treatment of back pain.

Vicky was one of the first graduates from ‘Sarah Key’s Problem Back Masterclasses’ and now helps run these courses herself.

Vicky is also a qualified Buteyko Breathing Technique therapist;  two words ‘breathe correctly’ sum up the essence of Buteyko.  The exercises promote nose-breathing and taking in an effective amount of air.

Buteyko can help with:

  • Reducing how often you feel breathless
  • Breathing through your nose
  • Controlling asthma attacks
  • Stopping coughing
  • Clearing sinusitis and rhinitis
  • Stopping panic attacks
  • Reducing snoring
  • Sleeping better
  • Reducing hay fever


Tel: 020 7730 7928
[email protected]


Initial & follow up Consultation: £100.00 (45 min)

Health Insurance


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